Saturday, October 30, 2010

Survive And Prosper In The Great Depression Of 2009-2012: A Step-By-Step Guide To Amassing A Fortune Trading Foreign Currencies

Survive And Prosper In The Great Depression Of 2009-2012: A Step-By-Step Guide To Amassing A Fortune Trading Foreign CurrenciesMillions of Americans are this very moment facing the most frightening economic conditions since the Great Depression. However, a small but growing number are living worry-free, having learned a skill that will keep themselves and their families not only living in comfort, but prospering like never before! That skill is Trading Foreign Currencies. Once the private playground of the super-rich, trading currencies is now open to anyone with a little knowledge and at least $200 to open a trading account. With this book, author and long time forex trader J.J. "Jeff" Glenellis explains everything you need to know to immediately begin prospering as a forex trader. From finding a broker and setting up your first set of charts, to learning how to easily spot certain Trade Set Ups that instantly become profitable, you'll learn enough in this informative and entertaining book to instantly begin earning extra money each week as a Forex Trader.

Price: $39.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

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