Thursday, November 25, 2010

Behind the scenes: Bloomberg game changer

Inside Bloomberg.comInside Bloomberg.comHomeAboutSubscribe behind the scenes: Bloomberg game Changers10/13/2010

Last week a new original series in the Bloomberg launched television: Bloomberg game Wechsler.Diese documentary series profiles innovation leader in technology, finance, politics and culture.The show airs Thursday at 9 pm ET on Bloomberg television with clips and entire shows published on

High we should think some top industry players profile, and we succeeded gelungen.Unsere first topics include Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Google co-founder Larry page and Sergey Brin, comedian Jon Stewart, and this week's profile of Apple CEO Steve jobs, to name a few.

Our team of producers and associated producers began by exploring our themes to archive photos and videos detailing your current jobs childhood through to get their lives.Quickly, we have our search from the Bloomberg archives on any news archive, hometown library archive, personal videos from friends and YouTube expanded.

The hard part was finding people and you on camera to talk to uberzeugen.Wir contacted old friends, classmates and colleagues. Some touch throughout the years lost had, but many of you have relations with our "game changer".Need a great pitch, open high-calibre people of people on a unknown show speak about this displayed are uberzeugen.Wir declared that no report or a gossipy fluff piece - a tough sell the show was.

We also interviewed biographer, journalists and analysts to complete the narrative thread of the stories and added narrative where needed.

To make a compelling documentary, we had to edit all content to write narrative to get for each show, we interviewed creating graphics, fact check box, and legal review (which may take up to 12 weeks) between six and 12 people with many interviews, more than an hour dauert.Wir had some great stories to our delivery time fit cut.

Our biggest challenge: Keep pace with the latest news that appeared every time, when we thought we were done to brechen.Am end, we created 11 solid documentary profiles that highlight the careers of game changing individuals.Let's you know what you think.

Nina Weinstein is the executive producer of the Bloomberg game changer.

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