Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lessons from Warren Buffett succession plans

The financial world was crowded this week when Warren Buffett announced that a hedge fund manager little known was the leading candidate resume Berkshire Hathaway's investment portfolio when he finally steps side. Until that time, buffet, said Todd Combs will be submitted so that I can imagine only is more scary learning ever as he supervises a "substantial part" of the portfolio of Berkshire.

Also fun to speculate about the chances of success of combs by following one of the largest investors in history, history has important implications for mutual fund investors who choose to use the actively managed funds.

It has the no buffetts denying having long-term success.From 1965 until 2009, Berkshire Hathaway has produced an average annual return of 20.3%, more that double the S & P 500 9.3% retour.Pour that put into perspective, dollar invested in Berkshire Hathaway 1965 4,092 $ at the end of 2009, while $1 in the S & P 500 have a value of $55. Not bad.

Success of the buffet is often that first thing investors pointing to justify their search for a senior manager of mutual funds.If Buffett may do so, the logic goes, then it is likely that I can find someone who peut.Le problem with this logic is that it overlooks the fact that Buffett, in a nutshell, is not just picking stocks thinks it sooner - it takes over all business. It is not simply an investor.He is the owner.

In addition, by making these acquisitions, buffet is able to negotiate very favourable conditions for Berkshire. It is often said that he is not interested in doing business with a homeowner interested in draining the last possible dollar from the sale of their entreprise.Les owners to sell buffet due to its excellent reputation and the fact that it will remain largely their hair they continue to run their businesses (as long as they continue to be successful, of course).

But leaving aside the question of the proper way is to compare the Buffett Manager of mutual funds, his announcement this week highlights a problem which actively managed mutual fund investors have absolutely to worry - the longevity of their managers.

The average equity fund manager has a term of seven years environ.Si the time horizon of the typical investor is conservatively estimated at 40 years (from the time they start to work until they enter retirement), that means that they can expect to have six different mutual funds, leading fund managers in their.

Of course, most of us do not have a single fund.According to the Investment Company Institute, investment mutual funds holding a median of four funds, which means that the typical investor can expect having 24 different managers running their funds to their vie.De obviously is rare investors who stick with their four original of life Fund, and the number of managers that they entrust their assets will increase as the cycles of the typical investor funds for the years.

Therefore if the chances of finding a handler that can be more efficient that are weak, the chances of finding 24 or more who can do so much more than 40 years are ridiculously longues.Dans his book how a second Grader Beats Wall Street, my colleague Moneywatch Allan Roth has calculated that a portfolio of five funds active has a three per cent chance of outperforming a portfolio of funds index of more than 25 years.

But I would say that the chances of success are lower that, taking into account the inevitable occur in this periode.Meme if you find a star Manager who is able to add value over a period of time, management changes there is simply no way to predict how their successor will fare, as in the Fidelity Magellan fund investors have found in the nearly two decades since Peter Lynch has left.

Statistically speaking, the chances of finding two dozen winning managers in your life are not quite the same as the chances of being struck by lighting with a ticket lottery winner in your hand, but they either 50/50.Plus reason with a heavy dose of pessimism active management approach.

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